A quick round-up of activities over the coming summer months.
At the end of June I’ll be speaking about metaphilosophy in the Renaissance at a conference I’ve been co-organizing with Joachim Aufderheide and John Callanan on Philosophy as a Way of Life in the History of Philosophy, at King’s College London. Further details here. My main task for July and August is to finish a book I’m writing on Marcus Aurelius. I have well over half done and the hope is to have it finished by September. It is due to appear in the Routledge series Philosophy in the Roman World. In September I’ll be speaking about Marcus at the German Society for Ancient Philosophy’s annual conference, in Frankfurt. My title is 'The Unthinking Sage: Marcus Aurelius on Spontaneous Ethical Action'. Further details here. September also sees the publication of my book Lessons in Stoicism, followed by Stoicon in Athens (with another talk on Marcus Aurelius) and Stoic Week, at the beginning of October. Comments are closed.